Mount Washington

July 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Now this was one hell of an adventure.  If the 3 hour drive just to get there wasn't enough, the 30-40 minute drive ascending the mountain along the infamous Mt. Washington Auto Road was something else.  Increasingly narrow roads as you make your way over treeline.... sharp corners with no safety barrier allowing one to look out their side window and see a nice 5-6000 ft drop.  Definitely not for the faint of heart if afraid of heights.  Such is no issue for me, so I loved every minute of the ride up and down.  Amazing views once reaching the summit and a beautiful day considering how bad it can get up there.... I had the pleasure of a 50F summit with a mere 45 mph winds.  I think that's the equivalent of paradise on top of that mountain.  It's known for having the most unpredictable fast changing insane weather anywhere... where the beauty I beheld on my trip could be instantly turned to a blizzard at the snap of one's fingers.  I got lucky for my run... no problems.  This is one trip anyone and everyone around the northeast should see at least once.


Mt. Washington Auto RoadMt. Washington Auto RoadView from one the stops along the Mt. Washington Auto Road... just above treeline.

Clouds Atop Mt. WashingtonClouds Atop Mt. WashingtonClouds forming right in front of me at the summit of Mt. Washington.

Mt. Washington SummitMt. Washington SummitView from the summit of Mt. Washington.

Mt. Washington SummitMt. Washington SummitView from the summit of Mt. Washington.

King of the MountainKing of the MountainThat of course would be me in my "king of the mountain" shot from the summit of Mt. Washington. Someone was nice enough to take shot with my phone.

Weather Observation TowerWeather Observation TowerThe Mt. Washington Weather Observation Tower.

Mt. WashingtonMt. WashingtonScenic view from atop Mt. Washington.

A Banner Well EarnedA Banner Well EarnedMy new Camry SE atop Mt. Washington... totally earning it's sticker of glory for getting me up the insane Auto Road.

Mt. WashingtonMt. WashingtonScenic view from atop Mt. Washington.

Mt. WashingtonMt. WashingtonScenic view from atop Mt. Washington.

Mt. WashingtonMt. WashingtonScenic view from along one of the trails heading down Mt. Washington.


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